Beyond Bias: Coaching for Inclusion OL2

Beyond Bias: Coaching for Inclusion
A professional coach education programme that supports Coaches & Supervisors to understand the profound significance of diversity, social justice, equity and inclusion in Coaching, with a specific reference to race.
Our programmes are designed to be transformative and uplifting. We believe in fostering an environment of learning, growth, and solidarity—where there is no room for shame, but every opportunity for positive change.
Designed and delivered by our racial equity & belonging consultant and Executive Coach, Bernice Hewson. This programme is geared towards equipping you for action, providing you with the tools and confidence to make a tangible difference in your personal and professional life
Suitable for...
Professional, accredited coaches and supervisors who want to achieve a deeper understanding of racial equity, and develop the skills and awareness to ensure all clients feel seen, heard and valued.
We approach antiracism with empathy and understanding, creating a safe space for everyone to learn and grow without fear of judgment.
Outline Content...
- Intersectional Identity
- Shaping of self and shaping of our clients into socialised systems.
- The importance of our worldview in coaching
- Racial literacy – develop an understanding of key terms and concepts
- The Role of culture
- Racial bias & discrimination
- Belonging – Power & oppression in the workplace
- Antiracism in coaching
Delegates will receive an Advancing Racial Equity Learning Journal and workbook to accompany the programme.
Please make sure the address you provide when booking is the same as the address you would like this booklet to be posted to. The programme will offer a hybrid of synchronous and asynchronous learning. The live sessions will be supplemented with core knowledge modules to support the learning and reflection on your journey.
The programme includes 1 x 60-minute 1:1 coaching session. Dyadic reflective space offers an invaluable learning space outside of the group, offering you the opportunity to reflect on your own learning journey
By the end of the programme, you will...
- Have practiced and developed skills in racial literacy and gained the confidence and competence to discuss race and racism effectively.
- Acquired a deeper awareness of your own racialised identity and understand how it shapes your perceptions and interactions.
- Gained insights into the racialised experiences of your clients, leading to the creation of more inclusive and supportive coaching spaces.
- Recognise the role of race and power in the coaching profession and practices, and feel equipped to discuss difference, inclusion, and belonging confidently.
- Understand that antiracism work is a liberatory and emancipatory process that centers humanity and dignity for all.
Duration. Location and Pricing...
- 19 hours total
- 5 x 2 hour online workshops
- 4 x 1 hour asynchronous learning modules
- 4 hours additional reading & journaling
Module One: Friday 12th September – 10:00 – 12:00pm
Module Two: Friday 26th September - 10:00 – 12:00pm
Module Three: Friday 10th October - 10:00 – 12:00pm
Module Four: Friday 7th November - 10:00 – 12:00pm
Module Five: Friday 21st November - 10:00 – 12:00pm
Programme costs £849 +VAT
Delivered by...
Bernice Hewson EMCC Senior Coach Practitioner (EQi Practitioner & DISC Practitioner) MA & BSc (Research Thesis: Antiracism in Executive Coaching)
This short course is not a “train the trainer” course. Our short courses generally provide introductions to complex and sometimes sensitive topics and the course and the materials provided are not designed to equip delegates to deliver training in these areas.
The materials provided by Barefoot on this short course, such as any slides or notes, are Barefoot materials, designed for your personal use as a delegate on the course. Please note that these materials should not be reproduced or distributed to third parties
Contact us
- Barefoot Coaching Ltd
- in••••o@bar••••
- 01332 863641
- Short Courses for Coaches